Friday, July 25, 2008

Hello All!

Hello friends! I did it, I finally decided to start a blog of my own. This will be a whole new learning experience, so please bare with me.

The end of my summer is coming to an end quickly, so hopefully this will be a great way to keep you all posted on what is going on with my life in Nampa, Idaho.

Some Highlights in my life right now:

1. My brother is marrying a wonderful gal on August 2. Brianne and Tyler are a perfect match for each other.

2. I will begin my 3rd year of teaching at Nampa Christian Schools. I will be teaching First Grade again, and I am so excited.

3. I am enjoying the house that I bought in October and I am still trying to make it feel like Home.

4. I have a wonderful boyfriend, who I enjoy spending time with.

I hope that things are going well in your lives, and I would love to hear from you!